These are our terms of sale. They are available as a download at the bottom of this page. They outline what we will do for you as the seller and what we expect from you as the buyer. We require buyers to agree and sign the Terms of Sale for each purchase. We will provide you with a copy of the signed document.
General: We test annually for CAE. We pool the raw unpasteurized milk from CAE negative does to feed to kids because we believe it provides better nutrition for growing kids. We are not opposed to western medicine; as such we give vaccinations and administer non-herbal wormer based on fecal worm counts. We do not sell unaltered bucks from any doe that has not earned a milk star, been designated as superior genetics, or won one or more championship legs. We will not sell a single goat to a buyer that does not have any other goats.
Reservations: If you would like to reserve a kid, we ask that you send a deposit of $100 per kid ordered. Reservations are made based on the order in which deposits are received. A reservation is not made until we receive your deposit.
Payment: A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the purchase price will hold the animal (adult or kid already on the ground) for 30 days while shipping arrangements and payments are worked out. Shipping costs, health certificates, and tests are the responsibility of the buyer. All shipping costs and animals must be paid for at or before pick-up.
We accept cash, check, and credit card. If paying by check, the check must clear before we will allow the animal to leave our farm. Returned checks are subject to a $40 Check Return Fee. ' Receipt: Prices quoted are for domestic (within the United States) animals that are picked up or shipped by the time they are four weeks of age. Animals that remain at the farm after 30 days are subject to a boarding fee of $5/day.
Air Shipping: If you do not have ground transportation we can make the necessary airline arrangements to ship your kid to you out of the Savannah, GA (SAV) airport. All air shipping costs, including health papers, shipping crate and shipping fees are to be paid by the buyer prior to time of shipping and are in addition to the advertised price. Adult animals are not eligible for air shipment.
International Sales: International sales are considered on a per case basis only and due to the extra time and work involved, extra expenses will incur.
Any dairy goat offered for sale is registered/recorded or eligible for registration/recordation and
At the time of sale the goat shall be permanently identified and will meet the identification requirements for interstate or intrastate transportation applicable to the sale. Registration/recordation papers or application for registration/recordation will be furnished by the seller at the time of sale.
The seller guarantees the fertility of the buck. A buck, after reaching 1 year of age, should be able to serve and settle a doe. The buyer is expected to provide reasonable care and feed. Should the buck prove to be a non-breeder, the buyer shall notify the seller within 60 days from the first time he was used for service, provided the animal was over 1 year of age at the time of service; and the buyer shall provide sufficient proof, such as a statement from a veterinarian, that said buck is sterile. The seller shall have the option of making a satisfactory exchange or refunding the money. In no case shall the seller be responsible for more than the selling price. The purchaser shall pay any shipping charges involved in the exchange.
If the animal sold is a doe, there is no guarantee of fertility except where hermaphroditism becomes apparent when the animal reaches breeding age.
A doe sold as “bred” is not guaranteed to be pregnant, but only to have normally accepted service from the buck.